© Anne Margrete Bergh 2024
I have explored the art of communication, using simple questions and symbols. Sometimes in combination with other media or in cooperation with other artists. In my performances I focus on social structures and popular ideas.
THE BORDER LINE performance in Oslo 2010 - stills from video

The borderline
I went out to the centre of Oslo to ask people in the streets where exactly runs the borderline between the east and the west end of Oslo. I brought a map over Oslo, a pencil, some chalk and a friend with a mini dv video camera. As I went along to find the borderline, to place it on the map and to walk the line through the central part of the city, I met many Olso citizens who engaged in this topic enthusiastically and they were very helpful to me. My research resultet in several different lines on my map. I am not quite sure wich one of these lines is the correct borderline between the east and the west end of Oslo. There are different opinions among the sitizens of Oslo about the importance of this borderline, but everyone seems to be very concious of its existance.
13 STATEMENTS ABOUT GUNS performance in Brick Lane, London 2009 - stills from video

13 statements about guns was performed as a street performance in Brick Lane, London in july 2009. It was filmed on dv tape.
The video was on show for the first time at the 2009 MA FA final show at Chelsea College of Art in London, where it was a part of a larger installation called Judas is with us. See more about the performance 13 statements about guns here.
Bergh&Mork was an artist coperation between Liva Mork and myself. The performance duo performed during 2011 and 2012 a series of performances that we called underground works / undergrunnsarbeider. In these performances we reflect upon the artists role as a pruducer and a servant within the art institution through a focus on the every day struggle of underpriviledged work in society.
PURIFICATION / NO SHIT performance in cooperation with Liva Mork at Kulturhagen, Veitvet senter in the occasion of Oslo Open 2011
- photo Anders Aavik Hagen

I AM ALL YOURS performance by Bergh&Mork at Black Box teater in Oslo 2012 - stills from video

I am all yours, performance in cooperation with Liva Mork, was performed during a ++ arrangement at Black Box theatre in Oslo
in march 2012. It was later performed at What a Mess, Hydrogenfabrikken kunsthall in Fredrikstad Norway in august 2012, where the artist duo Bergh&Mork represented Galleri Blunk. See the pictures from the performance at What a Mess here.